Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday in Algiers

Today the youth's service project was to clean up an area of the Algiers neighborhood. We donned long pants, sunscreen, bug spray and work gloves and picked up trash. The kids are fine with the heat, but are not used to the humidity! But we hydrated freuently and moved slowly, and they did fine. Unlike yesterday, when our job was to interact with others, today our task was working in teams. However, we did frequently encounter neighborhood people who would invariably greet us with a warm "How y'all doin'?" Usually they would ask us where we were from and what we were doing, and when we explained, they would give a big smile and say "Thank you!" Like almost everyone we have met, they know that New Orleans is being rebuilt by volunteer efforts, not by the government, and they are grateful for what we are doing.

We are in a rest period now, and will leave soon to worship at Mount Olivet Episcopal Chuech in the Algiers neighborhood, and then the church people are cooking us dinner!

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